Give me work that suits me and I shall never have to work again.
- Confucius

Projects > Kameroenwerkt supports Gambia: Etu Ndow, his project and his legacy

Etu, zijn projecten en zijn erfenis

In maart 2014 is Etu Ndow onverwachts overleden. Hij laat veel mensen bedroefd achter want hij was een groot kunstenaar maar vooral een groot mens. Zijn levensproject waar je hieronder over kunt lezen (TunbungVillage wordt voortgezet zo goed en kwaad als het gaat door zijn neef met steun van de verdere familie van Etu. Wij denken op termijn ook mee te kunnen helpen om de initiatieven van Etu uiteindelijk tocht gestalte te geven.

INTERVIEW ETU NDOW DOOR BERTIE HENDRIKS JANUARI 2014 (een paar weken voor zijn dood)

Het project voor zijn overlijden:


In Gambia Etu Ndow, an extremely passionate artist, is getting an inspiring project off the ground. He has bought a piece of land, part of an abandoned village near the sea. By now, he has built houses, exhibition and working spaces, a water pump and a water collector, solar panels ….; all ecologically sound and with natural materials. He has planted trees and bushes all over the place. In his ‘artists village’ there is a spirit of peace and quiet and it invites you to reflection and creativity. Etu is a well-known Gambian artist and has had many exhibitions in the Netherlands but also in other European, African, Central or South American countries and even in China. His “village” is a place where people from the whole world come but it is also a place where students of the Gambian schools regularly have lessons and get inspired internally to live their lives creatively. It is possible to retire for a  short or long time to his “village” and, if you like, to be supported in your creativity.

Kameroenwerkt! (KW!) is well disposed towards the work of Etu and therefore we are glad to give ETU and his project greater publicity through KW!’s website. We do not support Etu and his project financially. However, KW! hopes that many people will visit Etu’s village to support the creative education of Gambian students and will experience a beautiful and inspiring time. Very special is that Irene from the cultural centre in Ebang Minala has been introduced to Etu. They will meet this year and advise and assist each other. Maybe Etu will be present at the festival in Cameroon, August 2013 organized by Irene.