All true life is meeting.
- Martin Buber

English > Gambia: Sponsored children will be selected this week.

Sawanding Sanneh 6 year

In the coming weeks Ida will be busy determining which children will be sponsored. The criteria are:

Maimuna Sanneh 5 year

Single parents who are divorced or whose partner has died.
Parents who have lost their jobs and cannot afford school fees.
Sick and hospitalized parents.
Parents with more than 3 children who cannot afford all the school fees.


Pupils who are doing exceptionally well and are unable to pay the school fees for whatever reason.

The details of all children are recorded and a photo of the child is made for the sponsor. During the year, as a sponsor, you will gain insight into the school performance of your (adopted) child. One of the first children to be selected is Maimuna Sanneh.