Cameroon Works! is supported from the Netherlands by:
- ITIP School for life and work
- Angelique Kleijn, liek in vorm (designer of this website)
- Photographer Jan van der Meulen, who has made the photograph of the home page available
- Han Hegema, Haicu webdesign (building the website)
- Maarten Strenger (solar energy) from Green link
- Peter Vial has a wonderful offer; he donates 10% of the proceeds from his artworks to Cameroon Works! You can view them on
- Ger van Wijngaarden from the Jenaplanschool in Utrecht
- Gaston Ngouateu, Cameroonian entrepreneur who lives in the Netherlands with his family but also has businesses in Cameroon
- The W.M. de Hoop Foundation
- We also work as much as possible with ‘green’ and / or idealistic companies such as Triodosbank, Targetpay and Greenhost and the website builder haicu webdesign.