Give me work that suits me and I shall never have to work again.
- Confucius


Project Zara

2012-2015 Zara has a dream. She really wants to make the soil suitable for growing white pepper and passion fruit. They are crops that are new to the region, but for which the soil is very suitable. In addition, she […]  read more

Project ‘Pleasant Parties’ in Foumbot

The Bamoun Three families have united in the company Pleasant Parties providing everything needed for celebrations in and around Foumbot. In the Bamoum community there are collective religious, traditional and cultural celebrations, besides sporting events, funerals, weddings and baptisms. These […]  read more

Project Cultural Centre Ebang-Minala STOPPED

Kameroenwerkt heeft samen met de Kameroense organisatie Centre de developpement et des loisirs (CEDEL) de basis gelegd voor een cultureel centrum in Ebang Minala, een arme streek op 80 km afstand van de hoofdstad Yaounde. Zo’n 5 jaar geleden is de […]  read more

Project bar-internetcafe Solar-panel Internet café in Kribi

In cooperation with Bertie Hendriks, Edouard Nkouta came up with the idea of building and exploiting a bar/restaurant. The site has been bought, the licences have been acquired and the rights for parties and rituals on the premises have been […]  read more

Project support children

Vanaf het moment dat projecten van start gingen (2012-2013) heeft Kameroen Werkt! Kameroense kinderen ondersteund die rechtstreeks of zijdelings verbonden waren met één van de economisch-rendabele projecten van Kameroen Werkt! Kinderen konden voor 50 euro per jaar naar school. Dit […]  read more

Kameroenwerkt supports Gambia: Etu Ndow, his project and his legacy

Etu, zijn projecten en zijn erfenis In maart 2014 is Etu Ndow onverwachts overleden. Hij laat veel mensen bedroefd achter want hij was een groot kunstenaar maar vooral een groot mens. Zijn levensproject waar je hieronder over kunt lezen (TunbungVillage […]  read more

Support going to school children- childsupport – Bymyra Bilingual School

2017  We have decided to continue to support School Going Kids project in much the same form as with Cedel in Cameroon. Bertie and Ida,set up the conditions for parents and students if they want to join up with the […]  read more