The Cameroon Works Foundation! makes every effort to ensure that the donated money goes directly to the parties involved. In addition to the expenses incurred for the creation of the website and the foundation’s expenses, all money from donations goes to the projects in Cameroon. Board members go to Cameroon or Gambia entirely at their own expense. Every year we prepare an extensive annual report with annual accounts and a policy plan for the following year.
The Cameroon works! foundation does everything in its power to make sure that the donations benefit the parties involved as directly as possible. By keeping costs down to a minimum and by establishing direct contacts around the projects we ensure that the money ends up where it should.
Budgets for 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.2017, 2018,2019 and annual reports over these years will only appear on our website in dutch.
Year report 2017 with overview history of all projects
One of these days, Cameroon works! will be registered with ANBI (‘Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling’ – a ‘society for public welfare’) , which means that national quality requirements are met with respect to the way donated money is spent. Gifts made to charitable causes recognized as such by ANBI are tax-deductible under certain conditions. Specific rules in this regard are available at the Internal Revenue Service.
- Name: Stichting Kameroen Werkt
- The fiscale number: 850791091
- KvK number: 53200098
- Contact
- The objective of the foundation and the articles of association – a copy of the deed where the objective is also stated
report on the activities performed, the financial statements and the policy plan for the coming year, see top of this page
the position and names of the directors
the remuneration policy; for the Cameroon Works foundation, this means that all directors commit themselves completely voluntarily and do not receive any costs. Travel to Cameroon is also made at your own expense. - Periodic donationsIn addition to one-time donations, it is also possible to make periodic donations and to obtain tax benefits. If you donate an amount for 5 years and conclude a contract for this with the Cameroon Works Foundation, the donation is deductible as a periodic gift. A number of donors are already using this. We are happy to help you if you are interested. Send an email to and you will receive a draft contract. We now have experience.
The Cameroon Works Foundation! works together with Targetpay’s payment system. This is an organization that supports charities so that they incur minimal costs for the transactions of donations.
Furthermore, board members receive no expense allowance and travel expenses are not reimbursed from the foundation. As a result, as much donated money as possible can reach the projects.
The CBF (Centraal Bureau Fondsverwerving – ‘Central Bureau for the Acquisition of Funds’) supervises charitable causes in the Netherlands. At the request of the institution acquiring funds, the CBF assesses the management and the policies of the institution, the manner in which funds are acquired and spent, and the reporting method. If the charitable causes meet the CBF’s criteria, they are officially approved and obtain the CBF certificate for small charitable causes. As soon as this is possible, we will register with the CBF.